Najib is highly competent at his job and is always ready to help. No job is too much for him and he is always supportive when/if any problems arise.
Najib, has come to my rescue countless times! I’m not computer savey and often need help with technical issues with the computer, but thank goodness Najib is around to sort these out. He is very patient and takes his time to show you how things work on the computer and have learnt a lot from him- my ICT skills have definitely improved.
Mr. Najib has always showed a great deal of professionalism in his job whenever it was necessary. He has always responded promptly to the staff requirements and explained technical issues when he was requested. A great colleague, very polite.
Whenever I have an issue, Najib always responds quickly to let me know that he will deal with my request and does so in a very professional manner. I feel I can ask him for support no matter how small and that is extremely important to me. Najib has allowed me to feel welcome in a new environment and never seem stressed or annoyed with minor questions. Excellent service all round. Thank you
Najib is a star! He always makes himself available when called on. He takes the time to explain what the issue is and how it can be resolved. He is patient especially when asked the same question a few times (that is how I process and understand things!) He is professional, well-mannered, polite and has a very good sense of humour.
Reviews on are from people who I have worked with or have used my services, if you need any reviews to be verified please send me an email to
Hi I’m Najib, if you’re in need of any IT solutions, Website Design or Graphics Design, then why not get in touch and see how I can help you.